ABC's & 123's

Your kids will enjoy these chewable multivitamins and will ask for them by name. ABC's & 123's is complete with all the necessary vitamins and minerals children need.

Genetic Testing

If you really want to understand how your child utilizes nutrients, what foods work best for their growing bodies, and how they process the world around them, check out our nutrigenomic test. It will open doors to understanding growth, mental health, and food sensitivities.

Active Nutrients

Our multivitamin is designed to bridge the gap between what your child eats and what they should eat. Packed with bioavailable nutrients, this tasty chew will be asked for by name daily!

Rave Reviews

"My kids were never thrilled with the store-bought multis I used to buy, and now they ask for ABC's by name. It's almost as if they think it's candy. We definitely have to hide it so they don't eat the whole bottle!"

"The genetic test was eye-opening, to say the least. I am happy to know that my child has the MTHFR variation, and now I can take the right precautions with supplements and food."

"We struggled to get pregnant the first time, but working with the doctors behind your genetic test really opened our eyes up to the diet and lifestyle choices we needed to make for our second child. Thanks for providing such useful information."

"The genetic test literally changed my life. I had no idea I was supposed to avoid high fat diets, and here I was using keto for months. No wonder I felt bad. I am happy to report that I have switched to a Mediterranean diet and am down 10 lbs. Finally, those last few pounds of baby weight are gone."