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Diaper Bag Essentials for New Parents

Diaper Bag Essentials for New Parents

As a new-to-be parent, you’ve probably been given advice about just about everything imaginable leading up to your child’s birth – what to bring to the hospital, how to change a diaper, how to choose between breastfeeding and formula feeding, what to expect during the first days of your child's life.


Well here’s some advice nobody gives new-to-be parents.


Enjoy these last days without a diaper bag.


Once your baby is born, you can say goodbye to walking out the door with nothing but your clutch purse or pocket-size wallet.


As a new mom or dad, your diaper bag becomes your lifeline. You’ll feel lost without it, the way you feel lost if you forget your phone at home. It will become full of things you didn’t know you needed that you suddenly find yourself unable to live without.


Diaper bags are a necessary part of parenting. At least, if you plan on taking your baby anywhere.

What Do You Actually Need in a Diaper Bag?

So, what do you need and what can you leave at home? The following list should get you through any outing, whether it’s a planned trip to the doctor’s office or a spontaneous visit to grandma’s house.



These are the most important part of the whole bag! A good rule of thumb is to pack one diaper for every three hours you’re going to be gone. Then throw in a few more for good measure. That way, you’ll be prepared for the day when you rush out of the house without restocking your supply (it’ll happen. Trust us.)



You’re going to go through wipes faster than your newborn baby goes through diapers (which is to say, a lot). In addition to cleaning up diaper messes, wipes are great for wiping sticky fingers and spills. These will still be a staple long after your kids are potty trained.


Change of clothes

Your precious bundle of joy is going to have a diaper blowout at an inopportune time. Accept this fact. Prepare for it by sticking an extra change of clothes in your diaper bag. While you’re at it, you might as well toss an extra shirt in there for yourself.


Feeding materials

If you’re using formula, keep a sanitized bottle and powdered formula in your diaper bag. Pre-made formula bottles, although pricy, are convenient and ensure you’ll always be able to feed your baby, no matter where you end up.


Grocery bag(s)

Tucking a few plastic grocery bags into your diaper bag can save you when you need somewhere to put your beautiful angel’s poop-encrusted onesie. You might also need to use a bag for particularly gross diapers that you don’t feel quite right tossing into a public trashcan uncovered.


Hand sanitizer

Blowout diapers. Need we say more?

Optional Items

The above list covers all the absolute essentials. And, depending on the size of your diaper bag, they just might fill it up.


Here are some other things new parents often put in their diaper bags. You can decide whether or not you’ll need them.


  • Hat
  • Toys
  • Keys
  • Wallet
  • Pacifier(s)
  • Changing pad
  • Burp cloth
  • Nursing pads
  • Nursing cover
  • Blanket
  • Sunscreen
  • Bandaids
  • A book for you
  • Lip gloss
  • Lotion
  • Anything else you normally carry with you. Your diaper bag is now your purse.


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