Our prenatal can be used as a daily multivitamin, too! Our prenatal can be used as a daily multivitamin, too!
How to Prepare Your Body for IVF

How to Prepare Your Body for IVF

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) may not be the traditional way people make babies, but it’s becoming increasingly common. So far, over 1 million babies have been born via IVF in the US since 2014, and those numbers are continuing to climb.

Whether you are going the IVF route because you’re struggling with infertility, are in a same-sex relationship, or for any other number of reasons, it’s a good idea to prepare your body ahead of time to have the best chances of success.

How Your Body Will React to IVF

While every woman has a slightly different experience with IVF and pregnancy, there are a few things you can expect.

First, your hormones are going to be out of whack. We’re talking roller coaster ride levels of peaks and valleys, twists and turns. Having healthy ways to de-stress will be critical, especially in the early stages. 

Then there’s the physical toll your body takes during IVF. Some women experience various physical symptoms, including feeling fatigued, nauseous, and bloated. Even so, it’s essential to maintain a nutritious diet throughout the IVF process.

How to Get Your Body IVF-Ready

Unfortunately, there’s no way to guarantee that IVF will work. However, you can set yourself up for the best chances of success by preparing your body ahead of time. 

In addition to getting yourself into shape, preparing before you start IVF will instill good habits that can carry you through some of the dips and valleys you’ll experience.

Ideally, you’ll spend up to six months getting ready for IVF before you start. However, these tips can help you at any stage, including if you’ve already begun IVF. 

Embrace low impact exercise

There are all kinds of benefits of exercising. However, when it comes to IVF, there is such thing as “too much of a good thing.” Researchers have found that people who exercise for four or more hours per week have lower chances of IVF success. 

In addition, high-impact exercises increase your risk of falling and injuring your abdominal wall, which can significantly affect your IVF outcomes. So, ditch your HIIT workouts and opt for aqua aerobics, gentle yoga, or plain old walking. Of course, talk to your doctor before you pursue any exercise to ensure it is safe for your situation.

Eat fertility-enhancing foods

It’s essential to incorporate more whole foods into your diet before trying to conceive. In addition, you should focus on like salmon, spinach, and plant-based proteins. In particular, focus on high folate foods, which are critical for fetal development.

Take a prenatal supplement

Growing a baby takes a lot of extra nutrients, so it’s a good idea to start taking a prenatal supplement before starting IVF. Research has found a positive correlation between women taking prenatal supplements before trying to conceive and having success with conception. Additionally, IVF tends to decrease your natural levels of B vitamins, so taking a prenatal is essential.

Cut out smoking, alcohol, and caffeine

These are the three vices that have to go when you’re pregnant. So, instead of torturing yourself by going cold turkey during your first IVF cycle, start cutting them out before you begin IVF. Talk to your doctor about healthy ways to cut these out of your life. There are many programs available to help.

Find healthy relaxation techniques

Going through IVF can be incredibly stressful. So, find some healthy relaxation techniques now that you can turn to when your emotions are running haywire. Some examples include meditation, yoga, and deep breathing. Many women also find it helpful to see a therapist during IVF.

(Maybe) ditch some of your meds

Let your doctor know about every medication you take, including over-the-counter medicines, like seasonal allergy medicine or aspirin. Some drugs can negatively interact with your IVF treatment. Your doctor might be able to prescribe alternatives that won’t impact your IVF results.


Getting enough sleep is vital for successful conception. The sweet spot for women undergoing IVF is 7 – 8 hours of sleep a night. If that feels impossible, start going to bed a few minutes earlier every night until you get at least 7 hours of sleep.

NutriTots is Here to Help During Every Stage of Pregnancy and Beyond

We know that going through IVF is both exciting and daunting. That’s why we want to help you set yourself up for success.

Our prenatal vitamin is designed to be well-tolerated and is free of gluten and GMOs. Plus, it contains real folate, which is vital for healthy fetal development. Order yours today.