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Celebrate Family Fit Lifestyle Month this January

Celebrate Family Fit Lifestyle Month this January

January is family fit lifestyle month, and it couldn’t have come at a better time! The beginning of the year is an excellent time to make new habits as a family to help you all stay healthier. You might have even made some New Year’s resolutions dedicated to getting in shape or eating more nutritious meals.

You don’t need to hold family weightlifting sessions or run marathons together to get fit. (Although, if that’s what your family enjoys, don’t let us hold you back!) 

An easier way to get fit as a family is to incorporate fitness into your everyday routine, so your family is more active throughout the day. 

Here are five ideas to get you started. 

  1. Get outside

We know it’s oh-so-tempting to shut yourself indoors during the winter months, but it’s essential to get outside, even when it’s cold. In addition to getting vitamin D, getting outside will instantly lift your mood. 

Dress for the weather, then do something fun! Build a snow fort, have a snowball fight, or go sledding if it’s snowing. If it’s one of those spring-like winter days, go for a walk or hike a local trail. Go to your local zoo to see some animals that love the cold weather (and enjoy the freedom of walking around without crowds!) 

  1. Show, don’t tell

Young kids pick up on your cues. So, if they see you having fun doing a workout video or dancing around the living room, they’ll associate movement with a good time. On the other hand, if they hear you constantly complain about working out, they’ll decide exercise is something to be avoided.

  1. Turn chores into fun

Kids aren’t born dreading chores. They learn that behavior from watching us! So, turn chores into a fun family activity. For example, race to see who can put away the most toys in 30 seconds or give them a few wet towels and let them wash your kitchen floor. Have a scavenger hunt to see who can find a list of items (and put them where they belong!) 

  1. Eat as a family

Getting fit isn’t just about physical activity. Nutrition also plays a role. This January, try to eat together as a family at least one more time a week. Get away from distractions, like the TV and mobile devices. Kids tend to eat more fruits and vegetables when they eat with their family than when they eat alone or in front of the TV. Also, family meals are a great time to talk about the next activity you want to do together!

  1. Find a new fun activity

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, but you don’t have to stay there! Talk to your family about what types of activities they want to do, then figure out how to do them together. You may find out that your kids want to try something adventurous like rock climbing or kayaking. Or, maybe they want to grow a garden or learn how to cook a new meal. There’s no limit here!

NutriTots Can Help You Reach Your Family Fit Lifestyle Goals

No matter how you decide to incorporate fitness into your lifestyle, NutriTots is here to help! Shop our collection of vitamins and supplements that can ensure you and your kids get the nutrition you need without fillers or unnatural ingredients.