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Setting Realistic Goals for The New Year

Setting Realistic Goals for The New Year


It’s that time of year. Everyone’s talking about their New Year’s Resolutions, like losing weight, saving money, or breaking bad habits.


But, as we all know, resolutions are very difficult to stick to. For example, you might resolve to lose weight, then eat a bowl of ice cream on January 2nd and decide that you’re giving up. Or, you might resolve to quit drinking alcohol, then find yourself at a Super Bowl party and decide to cave.


The point is, resolutions don’t work. We’re not just saying this from experience. Research shows that 80 percent of resolutions are abandoned by the second week of February.


So, this year, instead of trying to stick to some unrealistic expectation and setting yourself up for disappointment, create realistic goals.

Resolutions vs. Goals

There’s a subtle but important difference between resolutions and goals. Resolutions represent a firm commitment to doing something. For example, you resolve to lose weight, exercise more, spend less money, etc. So, the first time you break your resolution, you decide you’ve failed and end up throwing in the towel entirely.


Goals are more flexible than resolutions. They give you a direction and tell you where you’re aiming. In addition, they’re often more specific than resolutions. For example, your goal might be to eat one more serving of vegetables a day, exercise an additional 10 minutes per day, or limit your monthly spending by a certain amount. These specifics can help you track progress and keep you motivated.


In short, goals are easier for you to achieve than resolutions.

3 Tips to Set Goals for the New Year

To start with, let’s clarify that there’s no rule saying you have to set goals for the new year. Many people choose to because the new year represents a time of change. It might be a good time to focus on health and wellness, especially if you enjoy indulging over the holidays (no judgments here!)


So, if you feel the motivation to set goals for yourself, that’s great! If mid-winter isn’t the season that gets you thinking about goal setting, that’s fine too. You can still apply these tips whenever you want to create a goal for yourself.


  1. Don’t worry about what anyone else thinks

Here’s a harsh but helpful truth. Nobody else cares about your goals. So, don’t set goals to impress other people. Instead, focus on setting goals that will get you closer to wherever you’re trying to go. As a parent, that means creating goals that are specifically for YOU!


  1. Break your big goals down into manageable milestones

One reason big goals fail is that they’re incredibly daunting. It’s better to break larger goals into smaller milestones. For example, you might have a goal of running a marathon before next New Year’s Eve. That’s great! But you’re not going to get there overnight. So, set milestones such as running a 5K by the end of March, doing a 10K by the end of June, running a half-marathon in the fall, etc., until you reach your ultimate goal.


  1. Get your support network on board

It’s much easier to achieve a goal when your support network is behind you. So, make your goals known to your family and friends. For example, if you want to run a marathon, find ways to get the whole family involved. Maybe you can all go for runs together or prepare healthy meals that will keep you fueled. Also, make sure you have someone available for those times when your goal crushing takes you away from your family.

We’re Rooting for You!

At NutriTots, we know how hard it can be to stick to goals when you’re a busy parent. That’s why we want to remind you to go easy on yourself as you head into the new year. That includes finding ways to relieve stress and practicing self-care.


We’re here for you when you’re crushing your goals and when you’re taking a break from them. Check out our lineup of all-natural vitamins and supplements that will keep your family healthy all year long.